All Ages Accepted

Serving Children, Teens & Adults

Amaya Orthodontics proudly offers a full range of orthodontics for all ages including care for children, teens, and adults because we believe everyone in Sugar Land deserves quality orthodontic care and a stunning smile.

Choose Your Treatment

Amaya Orthodontics offers a variety of orthodontic appliances to choose from, including:

  • Traditional and self-ligating metal braces from American Orthodontics
  • 3M Clarity clear ceramic braces
  • Angel Aligners clear aligners for adults & teenagers

Why Should You Consider Orthodontic Treatment?

Straight Teeth Are Healthy Teeth

After Dr. Malik aligns your teeth correctly, it’s easier for you to clean them through regular flossing and brushing. This helps prevent other oral issues, including some that can affect your overall health.

Straight Smiles Build Confidence & Self-Esteem

Successfully completed orthodontic treatment with Amaya Orthodontics can help boost your self-confidence, give you a better quality of life, and allow you to smile freely for maybe the first time ever.

Breathe, Eat, Speak, and Smile Easy

After you’ve completed orthodontic treatment with Dr. Malik, you’ll notice that breathing, eating, speaking, and smiling are easier than ever!

Misaligned teeth and jaws can majorly reduce oral function, and can lead to a host of other problems that can be easily solved with treatment at Amaya Orthodontics.

Untreated Oral Issues Will Get Worse

Delaying orthodontic treatment when Dr. Mohni Malik recommends it can create long-term health issues that may wind up costing you more in the end.

Amaya Orthodontics recognizes that children, teens, and adults will all have different dental needs and require a different level of attention and care.

We’ll work diligently to make sure you receive the most appropriate treatment at our inviting Sugar Land office.

Orthodontics for All Ages

Give Your Child a Lifetime Of Smiles

As a parent in Sugar Land, you want the best for your child, and that includes healthy teeth and a comfortable smile.

Dr. Mohni Malik will treat your kids like her own by providing your family with the finest possible orthodontic care.

When Should Your Child Get Treatment?

There’s no minimum age for your child to begin orthodontic treatment, but Dr. Mohni Malik and the American Association of Orthodontists recommend children should receive their first orthodontic evaluation by around the age of seven.

Most of the time, Dr. Malik will take a “wait-and-see” approach until your child is ready to begin treatment, and will re-evaluate the growth and development of your child periodically, but there are some orthodontic problems that should be addressed between the ages of 7 and 10 before your child has all of their permanent teeth.

Early treatment at Amaya Orthodontics may prevent or intercept more serious problems from developing and may make treatment at a later age shorter and less complicated.

In many cases, Dr. Malik will be able to achieve results that may not be possible once the face and jaws have finished growing.

If Dr. Malik thinks your child will need treatment, she’ll let you know when it will be best to begin treatment. This gives her the best chance to:

  • Guide jaw growth
  • Lower the risk of trauma to protruded front teeth
  • Correct harmful oral habits
  • Improve appearance and self-esteem in your child
  • Guide permanent teeth into a more favorable position
  • Create a more pleasing arrangement of teeth, lips and face


Signs the Bite's Not Right

It's not always easy to tell when your child may need braces or has an orthodontic problem without a trained orthodontist like Dr. Mohni Malik. These are some items to watch for which may indicate the need for orthodontic attention:

  • Early or late loss of baby teeth
  • Difficulty chewing or biting
  • Breathing through the mouth
  • Thumb-sucking
  • Crowded, misplaced or blocked-out teeth
  • Jaws that are too far forward or back
  • Biting the cheek or biting into the roof of the mouth
  • Protruding teeth
  • Upper and lower teeth that don't meet, or meet in an abnormal way
  • An unbalanced facial appearance
  • Grinding or clenching of the teeth
Riverside Orthodontics

Invest in Your Teen

The most common time for orthodontics for teens around Sugar Land is between the ages of 12 and 16 because this is when most permanent teeth will be in place.

Fortunately, at Amaya Orthodontics, you can find solutions to make the treatment process much easier than ever before.

All About Teen Orthodontics

Experienced orthodontists like Dr. Mohni Malik can easily recognize issues with spacing, crowding, bite, and alignment in teens, and your teen’s bone and jaw structure are formed enough to allow orthodontic treatment to begin.

Some teens may have even started Phase I treatment at an earlier age, and are now following it up with full braces or other orthodontic treatment.

Beyond outward appearances, untreated dental problems can have a lasting impact on your teen’s oral and overall health.

If you notice any of the following issues, come in for a free consultation with Dr. Malik. These could be signs your teen may benefit from orthodontic treatment at Amaya Orthodontics.

  • Early, late, or irregular loss of their baby teeth
  • Difficulty with chewing or biting
  • Crowding or extra spacing between teeth
  • Jaws that shift or make sounds
  • Frequent biting of the cheek or the inside of the mouth
  • Teeth that meet abnormally or not at all
  • Jaws and teeth that are out of proportion to the rest of the face
  • Protrusion of teeth
Greatwood Invisalign

It’s Never Too Late to Love Your Smile

Your smile is how you introduce yourself to the world, so it’s worth asking: Do you love your smile?

You’re never too old to benefit from orthodontic treatment with Dr. Mohni Malik.

Why Adult Orthodontics?

Adults make up about one in every four orthodontic patients at Amaya Orthodontics, and here’s why:

Smile With Confidence

Dr. Malik uses orthodontic treatment to help correct crooked teeth or spaces that you’ve been self-conscious about for years.

It can give you the confidence and pride that come with straight teeth and a great smile.


Correct Shifted Teeth

Believe it or not, your teeth don’t stop moving in adolescence. Teeth that seemed straight and aligned in youth could have shifted later in life.

This can lead to jaw pain, trouble brushing, or a smile you’re unhappy with.


Maintaining Dental Health

If you leave misaligned teeth untreated, you may end up with other dental problems such as tooth decay and gum disease.

You may also notice difficulty chewing or abnormal wear on the surface of your teeth.

Options That Fit You

While creating a customized treatment plan for you, your teen, or your child, Dr. Malik might recommend an orthodontic appliance.

Here at Amaya Orthodontics, we offer a variety of lightweight, comfortable treatment options:


Metal Braces

Braces have come a very long way, even within the past decade. When many people around Sugar Land think of braces, they think of extremely bulky metal brackets.

We don't use this type of bulky orthodontic appliance at Amaya Orthodontics, and many of our traditional and self-ligating braces feel lighter and more comfortable than ever before.

Though we have subtle, small metal brackets for image-conscious patients, we also offer WildSmiles personalized metal brackets so you can customize your brackets and show off your personal style!


Ceramic Braces

Also known as clear braces, these work the same way metal braces do but feature brackets made of tooth-colored ceramic materials.

3M Clarity clear braces blend in with your smile, making them much less obvious. Since ceramic braces can be a bit more fragile than other treatment options, they’re not a great choice for children.


Angel Aligners

Angel Aligners clear aligners are made up of a series of fully customized, clear trays that are nearly invisible and totally removable.

Made of soft plastic, they provide a more comfortable orthodontic experience, with no friction or abrasions inside your mouth.

Each week you’ll switch their aligner for the next in the set. When worn the recommended 20-22 hours per day, your teeth will gradually move into the desired positions.

Angel Aligners works best for mild to moderate orthodontic issues, and may not be an option if more serious treatment is needed or if you’re worried that you can’t manage wear-time.

Learn More at Your Free Consultation

Orthodontic treatment is an investment in a person’s future, whether that’s for your child, your teen, or yourself. During your free consultation, Dr. Malik will be happy to discuss the benefits of treatment as well as the risk of putting it off.

Come to our comfortable and modern office in Sugar Land for your free consultation, and let's talk about your orthodontic options and develop a treatment plan that's customized to your needs and smile goals.